
Boost your business with

5 star Google reviews!

Easily become the top-rated business in your local area.
Manage your business reputation from a single platform. Start your free trial today! No credit card required.

Free 7 Day Trial

Collecty App Dashboard

We help businesses like


Maximise your reputation with more 5 star reviews.


Stand out online and attract more customers.


Boost your revenue and watch your business thrive!

Collect new positive reviews, avoid negative ones.

Get new reviews by inviting your customers to review your business via built in e-mail and SMS, or in store or on-site via QR code.

Protect your reputation with an optional system that captures dissatisfied customers, keeping negative feedback private.

Connect with over 20+ platforms including Google and Facebook to boost the quantity of positive reviews.

Free Trial

Collecting Reviews
Replying to Reviews

Monitor and reply to all reviews in one place.

View and respond to reviews from all connected platforms in one place.

We recommend responding to all reviews you receive to enhance the customer experience.

Respond to private negative feedback to regain your customers’ trust, and work on what to improve.

Free Trial

Showcase your best reviews on your website and social media.

Create a carousel or feed of your best reviews and easily post them on your site.

Share the best reviews on your Facebook or Instagram page via customizable templates.

Schedule the posting of reviews on socials to create your own review-based marketing strategy.

Free Trial

Showcase Reviews


Of people choose a new local business based on reviews on Google


Increase in website conversions if you showcase your positive reviews


Increase in revenue for businesses with hundreds of positive reviews


Increase in positive reviews when you invite your customers to write a review

*Source: The World Financial Review, How Reviews Impact Your Sales

Get 5 star reviews on autopilot

Automate your review requests and set requests to send via SMS or email after a sale or service without even lifting a finger! Sit back and watch those 5 star reviews roll in!

 Collecty works with over 20+ review sites including:

Trust Pilot
Yellow Pages
Product Review

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Nectur do?

Is my business a good fit for this?

What if I already have reviews?

Can Nectur help me get more reviews?

What review sites can I connect?

Is Nectur easy to use?

Can the review process be automated?

Why is it important to manage online reviews?

Is it important to reply to every review?

Can online reviews affect search rankings?

How are negative reviews managed?

Try Nectur today!


Collect more reviews. Boost your business!

©Point Two Design Group Inc. - 1421 Mission Street S. Pasadena CA 91930